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Showing posts from November, 2016

Thinking about 2017 goals!

I'm currently laid up with what we think is Slapped Cheek. Slapped cheek is a thing that kids get, and my bosses daughter had a case. When it affects adults it shows up as joint pain and swelling and flu like symptoms. Ouch. As a result I can't do much knitting or spinning or crochet. What else can I do but have a think about what my goals for 2017 should be? My goals for 2016 were fairly simple 80/20 Yarn used to yarn bought ratio (We’ll see how this goes!) Finish using 2015’s Wonderwool yarn before 2016’s WW (Faberge, Sunny Days Shawlette, Pink Topaz)  12 pairs of Socks in 2016  So I managed 2 and 3, and the less said about goal 1 the better I suppose. I must have added at least 100 skeins or balls of yarn to the stash this year. To be fair, I did go to Canada (where I bought lots of yarn) and have a fortuitous year with Wonderwool this year. By comparison, I've used up around 60; which really is no mean feat. Proposed Goals!* 1) Yarn Management! I'm st...