Dory from Finding Nemo is famous for the phrase “Just Keep Swimming” I think she had it wrong, I think the key to inner life happiness is to Just Keep S p i nn ing Life is throwing me a curve ball. So I’m doing what makes me happy for a day or so. Cuddles with my wonderful boys (both hamster shaped and human) and with my new girlies whom I’ll post about later when life, well when life just gets back to normal for a day or two. ProTip: Watching Rats try and work out what to do with a hard boiled egg with the shell still on= priceless. And Spinning. Spinning for me is so much more meditative than knitting or spinning. In a fit of terrible luck my most commonly used needle (5mm) broke yesterday. It was a cheap Chinese one, part of the large sets on Ebay for £20 or so, I think I’ve had it around 4 years. It didn’t have a bad life, but replacing it is out of the question at the moment while I’m looking for work. I also broke a 4mm plastic crochet hook this morning although luckily th...