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Showing posts from November, 2013

Hanging in There

Sorry I’ve not been posting recently. I’ve been dealing with some personal feelings; and not very well at that. Long and short of it is I’m sad; incredibly incredibly sad. That looks so very stupid written out but there it is. It’s mostly health related. We’re entering the 5th month of waiting for a specialist referral for me and the same amount of time for my liver ultrasound. It all came to a head today as we sold my trike. Over a year ago when I got my full time job and we moved down here I was convinced that I would be able to cycle into work, convinced that I could hold down a full time job and convinced that everything would now be sunshine and roses. Please don’t see me as ungrateful, my life is so much easier now, I love my job I can treat myself occasionally and we don’t always have to wonder how we’ll pay the bills; but my health hasn’t improved. It’s getting worse and the NHS don’t seem interested in helping. My GP is worth is weight in gold, but it’s very saddening to be st...

Awful Weather

  It’s HORRIBLE here at the moment. Windy, Rainy and cold cold cold. I’ve been crafting up a storm – 3 finished objects since I last blogged but sadly none I can show you. They’re all for friends who might possibly look at my blog so I’ll be able to post them when they’ve all received them. The great news is that I am so very nearly done! We have some cash to get out of the bank and a few bottles of beer to buy next month and that’s it. Well, and a load of bags to sew but who’s counting those? I managed to get all of them cut out today and 4 more sewn for a total of 7. Only 9 more to go, but now the tricky part is done I’m aiming to sew 2 or 3 a night which should mean I’m done by the end of the week. Just so this isn’t a pictureless post I’ll show you two hampers I’ve made up for Christmas. This one is for Rhys’ Nanny G. It has Shortbread Biscuits, Posh Tea, a Foamburst shower gell, Scented Candle, Hot Chocolate Syrup, 2 knitted facecloths, a sewn bag, some fancy hand wash, a...