It’s been quite some time again hasn’t it? I’ve been feeling awful again but still no closer with answers. I had my liver ultrasound at the end of January and it found fatty liver and a bit of fat around my kidneys. The answer is to loose weight of course, but I eat reasonably healthily and it still doesn’t go. I’m going to make more of an effort to eat better than I did before though. Knitting wise not a lot has been going on. I finished my January Socks Actually in January as well! Though due to the horrible light here at the moment I’ve not managed to get my model and daylight together yet. Hopefully that will change tomorrow and I can give some better pictures. The pattern is Black Beauty Rides on and is part of a book called “Lit Knits” but also avalible independently as a single PDF. It was an incredibly quick knit, even on 4 ply and 2.5 mm needles. The temptation was to get up to the next horseshoe before putting it down and I even enjoyed the twisted stitches. The yarn is...