Just a selection of some of my photographs from the show which was a lovely day out in Bath
Firstly introducing Isla – She’s a Syrian Hamster who we adopted from the RSPCA in Newport 3 weeks ago. She’s incredibly pretty, like a tortoiseshell cat colour. She loves racing around in her ball and driving into people’s feet! We’ve forgotten how much we missed having a hamster. It’s comforting as well to have such a live wire in the household as the rats are slowing down.
So we started off in Bath by imediatly finding Wool – a great little knitting shop. I enabled Angie, and she enabled me too! In dare not tell Rhys how much I spent, especially when I said I had enough wool the week before! This is Araucania Botany Lace, the colours in it (which have not photographed too well… I need a light tent!) remind me of the seaside. Sand, foam, spray and sea and I can’t wait to work something up. I bought 2 skeins just in case as I love large shawls.
I also picked up 3 skeins of Cumulus – I had initially thought a shrug, but I’m not convinced I’ll have enough yardage. I love the colours, and it feels so soft and light as a cloud.
Some Regia also made it into the basket. Look at those colours! I love me some socks, so it’s always a safe bet.
I also picked up some notions. Some teeny weeny pom pom makers, J shaped cable needles (so much nicer than ordinary ones!) and some 4.5mm tips for the Canada Maple Leaf Shawl. The fabric was an offcut from the fabric shop around the corner where I also bought some ribbon that ended up being too big for…
These! 3 pairs of Daffodil booties for 3 couples who are expecting in January/Early Feb. I’ve got one more to make, for another co-worker who announced last week (there must be something in the water… I’ve changed to bottled!) They’re so cute and so easy and quick to do. The yarn is Women’s institute Silky 4ply; which has a high end feel despite only being £3 a ball. These need a quick bath and ribbon threading when they’re dry and I’ll finish them like I have the one on the far right with tissue to shape and green paper to top that.
And now some pretty pictures from the exhibition!
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