Normally by knitting nature I’m pretty monogamous; this month I seem to be anything but. Currently on the needles, 2 pairs of Socks for Rhys. I’m knitting 2 at a time (2AAT) and toe up. One of the two is Superba Bamboo and the second is made of Regia. This great plan means I didn’t have to divide my ball into two, but instead of second sock syndrome I have second half of each pair syndrome. I’m not even up to turning the heel yet. Luckily for me my week has between 4 and 6 hours of Knit N Natter each week, so I’m chugging along steadily and I know I will get there in the end. Second project that’s on the needles is a baby cardigan for a little boy. I know of no one who is having a little boy, or even of anyone who is due to give birth within the next 6 months but I’ve been suckered in by very tiny, very wee baby things that are awfully sweet. This is a pattern of my own improvising using the Sheep Yoke cardigan to get my increases right for the Yoke and then using the Owl cable patt...