On our local archery circuit my parents have become practically famous for their Raspberry whiskey. Now I live on my own, I do miss the occasional hot toddy when I’m sick or during the long winter nights when it’s too miserable to do anything else. So last year I took up the gauntlet and started making my own. From 4 bottles of starting Whiskey I got 5.5 bottles, and over a year later we still have not managed to finish a whole bottle.
This year I’ve decided to go different. This year it’s Schnapps time.
One lot of Watermelon and Blueberry
One lot of Strawberry and Kiwi.
It’s pretty simple actually when you get into it. Fruit, hooch and sugar.
This is the schnapps my 2 Rumtofts and a mixing bowl, good for weighing out fruit all ready for take off!
I used 1/2 the watermelon and still ended up with over 2lbs of fruit! That’s NOT including the massive slice that Tiff and Rommie got. That’s Tiffany there experiencing her first ever watermelon.
After a boat load of fruit, a considerable amount of sugar and the liqour being poured in it now needs to sit for 2-4 weeks being stired every day until the sugar has gone and most of the fruit gone smooshy. Then it cna be laid down and in wait for Christmas where it’ll probably make some very good gifts.
Apple and Cinnamon Vodka also sounds very very good I think that might be my next venture.
What other combinations do you think would be amazing?
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