No F.O Friday this week. Though I did manage to finish off that commissioned hat; and I’m on to the border of the never ending blanket. I’m going to work on that in a few mins; at least until my other half gets home.
The landlord is selling our house, and the agent is coming round to take pictures on Monday. I’m in work (I *hate* having people round) and they have a key apparently (I also hate not knowing who can gain access to the property I live in. The list is apparently ever growing) so I don’t have to even be there!
So when my other half gets home it starts the weekend of cleaning and packing. I got the job offer through this week; so we’re moving very very soon. I know I’ve got to go rescue my stash tonight- the other half is a militant packer and because I’m not using a current skein right now means that he’s likely to just pack it all away, even if I’ll need it in a week or so! So the plan is to have a separate box with the next 6 projects in it.
Not a traditional F.O, but I managed to put this together this week.
From left to right: Simba, Rommie and Ludlow.
It’s kind of tradition that as well as getting their ashes back we have a photograph on display of our animals that have passed. We have lots of photos of Simba up, but I needed another one to round out the display of 3. We picked up Ludlow’s ashes on Monday, and the other half is picking up Rommies tomorrow.
You can see I still have a major seaside thing going on! Going to go get a bit more crochet in before the OH gets home and makes me do some work
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