Saying I’ve been bitten by the knitting bug is actually misleading; I’ve not *stopped* knitting in around 3.5 years now but there’s always something about this time of year that makes me so excited about starting a new year with new projects and excitement. So with this in mind and on the first of the year a goal for what I would like to achieve in 2013. I’m going to be treating this like a Year Of Projects, updating on Sundays where possible.
Our number one goal this year is to be debt free by 2014. I don’t like talking finances online; and it’s not a horrific sum but I get very irate having to pay interest on things like my credit card! We were so “lucky” that as students our overdrafts were interest free; apart from now they want us to – understandably pay it back! We’re both currently paying interest on part of our overdraft and in September that part increases dramatically. We’re both lucky now that we’re in full time jobs and can afford to pay off these debts so I do thank my lucky stars for that.
However it obviously means cutting down on expenses and this year wool is one of the major things I’ll cut back on; I have enough stash to last me at least the year and instead of buying in a trickle through the year I’m saving up for key events such as Wonderwool and probably a visit to a show in Manchester with my sister or Ally Pally again with the girls.
Anyway Lists! These are things I hope to knit in 2013; I’m going for 13 in 13; which leaves me a bit of wiggle room for other projects and the fact that this year I am working full time. All pictures are taken from either google or Ravelry. All credit is to original photographers.
1. Dr Who Socks.
Knit Picks (a very famous American retailer of cheap cheap yarn) made a colourway called “Time Traveller” and when the only place in the UK to sell KnitPicks had some in stock of course I had to buy 2 balls. At £5.30 a ball it’s more than I’d normally pay for a pair of socks as each ball only weighs 50g but with colourways like this who can resist. I plan on buying some of the rainbow this year as well.
These will be toe up with a contrasting camel coloured toe and heel so as not to upset the stripes. And yes- I will be going through the balls to find the exact matching point!
2. From Norway with Love
I love her mittens in this one as well. This and the Time Traveller socks are coming with me up to my mothers.
3. Wisteria
I have some beautiful yellow laceweight just waiting for this pattern.
3, Lizard Socks
I liked this pattern; and then I saw them done like this.(Ravely Project page here) and I fell in love. My mother loves Lizards and so these definitely have to be done for Mothers day this year. I already have a rainbow-ish long colour change yarn in the stash so all I need is some white sock yarn. I’ll do these on a 3.0 as opposed to a 2.5 because of my tight gauge.
4. Ziprelaxagon
How much fun do these look!
5. Celestine
6. Sitka Spruce
This beautiful pattern also has a hat; but I feel that the mittens are extra beautiful. I’ll probably convert these so that there is a gap to put my fingers through in the palm so I can check my phone etc.
7. Mary Warmers
I have some beautiful hand dyed yarn in Summer Meadow that is screaming out to become these. It’s a beautiful mixture of yellows and greens and hand dyed by my old wool shop. I really can’t wait to cast these on!
8. LLP Fingerless Mittens (Star Trek)
9. Phoenix
I’ll leave this here for 20 seconds to allow the thought to sink in. This is Tunisian crochet and probably one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. I get the feeling that I may have to buy yarn for this one; and I’m currently thinking of going for the similar colour to the photograph or maybe even a deep plum-y purple.
10. Francie
I LOVE the design on the bottom of these; and I did say 2013 would be the year of the sock!
11. Choose your own Dragon Adventure
I think I’ll get a lot of use out of this pattern. Living in Wales with a Welshman means that Dragons are now part of my every day life!
12. Nip and Nora
RATTIES! Enough said! Rhys came up with the idea of making one to commemorate each of our Rats, not saying I’ll be able to knit 7 of these this year but the thought is a really nice one.
13. The Heart of Wales Shawl
This year is going to be the year I do my first large lace project and I fell in love with this beautiful shawl. I have the desire to bead it as well but we shall see on that front. Maybe walk before we try to run!
You never cease to amaze me how much you make even though you are now working full time. No wonder you are tired!