The long bank holiday weekend thankfully gave me a nice break and a bit more crafting time which I was desperate for. Last week I knit pretty exclusively on Dad’s jumper. I managed to finish off the body – It’s hanging awkwardly here as it’s held together with clip stitch markers. I’m planning on sewing the shoulder seams together when I put the arms in. Speaking of which I managed to get a start on the sleeves before going to knit and natter on Saturday. Annoyingly you need to increase every 8 rows which means I still have to have my piece of paper handy when I knit on these but they’re a mindless knit as long as I remember to increase! We went to Cardiff yesterday and I stopped at The Button Shop. I’ve never been before bit it’s wonderful. I managed to stock up a little and once again shocked Rhys at how expensive buttons actually are! I’m building up a nice button box which is wonderful. The little hamster in the middle is an eraser/rubber from Blott ; no rat ones bu...