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UFYL- Day 2: Bedroom


Today involves dealing with the large pile of clothes I brought down from the attic. One thing they don’t tell you about UFYL is that you will want to do it all the time. I really wanted to start on the bedroom last night; but knew because of my physical limitations and also probably for my mental limitations that no, one room was enough for one day. The only exception to that will be when I do the living room, bathroom and under the stairs cupboard on Monday. I squared up the bathroom 2 weeks ago and have been keeping on top of it because we have incredibly limited storage space in there anyway.



First session was spent moving the bags and baskets from yesterday onto the bed and emptying the wardrobe. I also started de-cluttering the floor (so I’d have somewhere to sit) and the bottom of the wardrobe. Random find- Gas bill from 2009 in what was meant to be a bin for storing rubbish and will after today be a bin for storing rubbish. Second session tackled the mess down in the bottom and down the side. Those boxes there- yeah. From our move over a year ago. I found a step stool and tumblers in here; still wrapped in bubble wrap. We also have a thing for toothbrushes. I’ve found about 3 between yesterday and today- I mean WTF!


Attempt 3 saw the clearance of the boxes, hoovering where the boxes were and moving the wardrobe to the side. It kind of blocks a 1/3 of the window, but you can access all of it and it’s working for now. Session 4-  A very small square footage was looking a hell of a lot better but there was still piles of junk on the floor. The piles were organised into where I needed them, so I moved the attic things to the attic and put them away. The OH’s thing were moved into one of his duffel bags for him to sort out tomorrow on his day off. The floor looks neater and has been given a hoover.


After- The closet looks messy because it’s not fully made. That’s the side of the wardobe facing us but there is enough room to freely move between the two.



Before- Can you see how crammed full of junk that unit is?

Session 5- Chest of draws moved. Other half’s bedside table started. This one is a misnomer- it’s the other half’s bedside table only in the fact it’s his side of the bed. Mostly full of my crap; and shameful to say crap that I brought with me from my parents in 2008 and still have not sorted out. It’s fine to still have stuff from 2008, but when that stuff is broken knitting needles, yeah that’s really not fine.

Session 6- Finished the bedside table of d00m. Moved pile of things to keep into the master pile at the foot of the bed.


After- The draw doesn’t fit well. Cheap furniture is cheap. Bedding on the bottom shelf. Spray bottle has since been moved.



Session 7- My bedside cabinet. FULL of crap. Indeed some stuff that moved here with me. Tons of rubbish. Evidently the bedside bin should be my side because once I’m in bed I just won’t get up to put things away.


After: Bin is actually being used as a bin. Not removed the tape marks on the dresser because after we move I’m saving up for a big girls set of furniture. With bits that match that didn’t cost less than £50 from Argos.


Session 8,9 and 10- Working on the floor clutter. Gathering the bits together for the assembly of the chest of draws and bedside table we bought when we moved in. Appear to be missing the instructions for this one so may be trial and error!

After this point it gets hazy because my other half came home. We didn’t do 20/10’s per say but we had a good go at it working longer than needed without a rest. This is NOT something that would work for me on my own, and I would have enforced it harder if it was earlier on in the clean. Though to be honest it maybe took another 2 hours total.

We assembled his bedside cabinet out of the kit. Moving the old cabinet up to the attic for craft things to free up more room. We half assembled the 3 shelf unit that was also part of the trio pack. I say half because, like every bit of Argos furniture I’ve ever assembled it was missing 3/4 of the components. The shelves are attached to the sides and it stands up but it has no lid. OH is going out tomorrow to buy more so we can finish it off. It will look so much nicer when that’s done.

Then it was attacking clothes mountain. We filled 3 bin bags with clothes we didn’t want any more and ones that were too old to wear again. Everything is now on a shelf; apart from the 4 baskets of laundry which OH will do tomorrow. He’s been briefed to do ALL of it. Wash, clean and put away. I have a lot more clothes than I realised; in 6 months I will go through them again and bin what I’ve not used. I’m (very slowly) loosing weight so I hope in 6 months that most things can be chucked out as too big.


After: The blue box will live in top of the fabric dresser as soon as we get screws and finish assembling it. It contains chargers not in use and my hair dryer and straighteners. Idea being we stop falling over them so much as there’s only 3 sets of sockets in the room. To the left of the bed, behind my draws and behind the wardrobe.

I then moved, sorted and put away the pile of things that was craft room related while OH cleaned under the bed and hovered.

He’s now washing up some plates ready for our celebration takeaway. Celebrating my success earlier this week *and* celebrating living life like an adult.

Total time: 8 ish hours.


  1. Omg student room (before) Attic 24 smartness after :)))

    One tip I found. Is amazing what furniture you can get from places like Reclaim where they do house clearances, we got H an awesome unit that he adores for tv to go on with storage in solid wood for £30!!


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