While me and the other half are “home” at my parents, we (well myself really) no longer become their children, or their guests- we take on the other role of “Tech Support”. This week alone I’ve fixed my mums HTC phone and I’m now working on fixing up a desktop for my mother.
She was given this one through school- and it already has all the bits I need loaded! Unfortunately because it was networked at school we’ve had to wipe it and start again, because although she has all the bits on there- she can’t get at them. That combined with a really poor internet connection means that it’s slooowww going. So I thought I’d make a blog post.
It’s only taken me most of the morning and the afternoon to install the drivers and software she needs, not to mention it’s taken that long to get through my Google Reader list! Goes to show how many items there are if you leave it for a week. (200 to be more precise)
This means no knitting for today. I’m getting a wee bit burned out if I’m honest. Rams and Yowes is coming along; all that remains is picking up the stitches for the I-Cord bind off, Have I ever mentioned what my least favourite part of knitting is? It’s definitely picking up stitches.
My other poor projects that came home have not had a look in so far. I honestly did not realise how much work there is in the border of Rams and Yowes. It’s incredibly distracting, you think that the colour work portion is the main bit- and it certainly is. You think when you get onto the garter stitch border your on easy street- and it certainly is mindless, repetitive knitting but there’s just *so* much of it- that’s the main problem.
I really hope to have it finished today, but I just have to sit down and crack on. Still it’s far more then I would have got done if I was at home. My mum and dad live right on the end of the telephone exchange; their internet is mildly faster than dial up. It’s okay the first half an hour your on it and then you slowly get more and more frustrated with waiting 30 mins to load a page. So this year I’ve not opened my laptop at all until today; 9 days after we arrived. I’ve checked the internet on my phone and flicked through Facebook and Instagram on there but not seriously used the internet until this morning. I think I’m honestly going to have to do this for myself when I get home; have at least one day a week where I don’t use the computer, or maybe I won’t let myself use it until like 8pm at night.
I’ve already fallen into my parents LYS and we’re off to another on on Wednesday. I bought some Zpagetti yarn, which is T-Shirt material for a bag for my sister and I bought some Merino for a teapot cosy for me. We went to the seaside last week; and while my dad and other half were playing shooting and driving games me and mum went and did some Bingo. Between us we won 5 tokens and I was very taken with a little brown betty style teapot, sugar bowl and milk jug and mum let me use her tokens as well as mine to get it! So it obviously needs a cosy. I’m thinking entrelac but I can’t find a pattern so I suppose I’ll have to make one up!
Firstly though… back to picking up stitches.
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