Have I got a bumper load of Finished Objects for you this week! I’ve been a knitting machine, during the few hours I’ve been actually awake and today I managed to photograph a lot of recent finished garments too. Picture heavy post sorry! Adams Rib Hoodie I made this garment specifically to wear at Wonderwool. I like it well enough, even though it’s not something I would normally wear. I seem to remember having a couple of problems with the pattern, there were places it wasn’t quite clear enough in my mind. Not a huge problem as I managed to finish it. I left off the Hood for yarn reasons. I actually bought a few new skeins of the yarn (Cascade 220) because I was worried I’d run out. I dipped into one of the extra skeins for a few rows only so it wasn’t really an issue. Even though this is wool, I see myself getting more use out of this in the summer months as a throw over a t-shirt garment rather than a deep winter one. It was however very good at keeping me warm at Wonder...