So last night Ebay got the better of me. I’ve promised my other half that I’d knit him Durrow for a while; I wanted to use a nice fibre and to make him something that will last but options have been too expensive for us and I didn’t want to make it out of acrylic. Rough prices have been between around £40- £60; just not in the budget right now. Last night on Ebay I found a seller, lamb’s wool and Silk, 200 meters a ball- £2. Given that my fella is a skinny guy that works out at around £18 for the jumper with spare left over. Durrow starts at a 40 inch chest; my guy is a 35 inch, I calculated yarn for the 40 inch because I will always find something else to do with the wool.
Only downside being the yarn won’t be here until the middle of next week.
Lets review that last sentence for a second shall we; I was kinda sad that it won’t be here until next week, for no reason. I have a ton of projects on the needles/hook that I need to finish up before I can even *think about casting on for this jumper.
My current theory being if I write them down it’ll a. count as a blog post within the last year (Yeah I should be better about that) and b. It might actually get me to stick with it.
Fronts, sleeves and back have been knitted. All that’s left to do is the hood, petals and the finishing. Still deciding if I should add pockets, I probably will.
Deadline Date: Wonderwool 2012 (End of the month)
Rams and Yoes
Finished the first colour work segment; up to the rams horns so about 1/3 of the way done on the stranded section.
Deadline: May 25th 2012 (If I post it) or End of June if I choose to transport it home
I’m adoring how this looks so far, but I don’t actually have the urge to knit on it. I’m finding that I’m getting tons of fuzzy balls from the Zauberball. I love the colours but not really the yarn. I expected a more rounded 3 ply sock wool, but I should have read the reviews first I suppose. I’m on the 4th segment out of 8. My handbag knitting. No deadline on this one.
Jims Dog –2
I think today will be the day that the parts of Jims dog get sewn together. When I can find them all obviously; I think that might be what I do while I’m dyeing my hair.
That doesn’t really sound like a lot, and there’s a never-ending Granny square on the go (probably for a cushion cover) but I’m not used to big projects that take multiples of months to finish, and it’s taking all my patience to keep from casting anything else on. Durrow, baby things for my nephew who is due in August, a cardigan for me that I want to design (not being overly ambitious or anything)
Yet still I spend my time talking about knitting while not doing any knitting. Off to remedy that as soon as I’ve rinsed out my hair dye!
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